Newsletter #11:
"Birthdays and Yard Signs"

DATE: February 8, 2024

Friend --

What a wonderful afternoon.

Thank you to everyone who joined us on Sunday to support our campaign and celebrate my 42nd birthday!

Well over 100 people were in attendance, including: 

I was overwhelmed and humbled by the outpouring of support.

Many took home one of our newly released yard signs to proudly display on their lawns — and you can CLICK HERE to request a yard sign for your Geauga County home or business.

Thank you to everyone who came out to celebrate Carolyn’s 42nd Birthday!

After friends were welcomed and cake was enjoyed, my husband gave me a wonderful introduction. As reported in this week’s Geauga Maple Leaf:

Over 100 Attend Brakey Fundraiser

…Brakey made brief remarks after being introduced by her husband, Matt Brakey, who said his wife’s run is not based on political opportunism.

“Our family values freedom and liberty in the true Jeffersonian sense of the terms, and the madness of policies during the COVID era left us feeling deflated and powerless,” he said. “So, Carolyn decided to take a stand and two years ago, she applied for a position on the board of health with a singular mission and that mission was to end mask mandates in Geauga County.

“In just a few months after her appointment, Geauga County led all of Ohio in advising against compulsory masking, championing parental choice and bringing an end, once and (for) all, to the insanity.”

After my husband, it was my turn to take the podium.

In the packed room, I spoke with all in attendance about the choice before us this March 19.

We can repeat mistakes from the past, or upgrade to a new generation of fresh, conservative leadership.

In the years ahead, there will be challenges — and I charged all of our public officials to be brave in the face of those challenges.

We should not take the easy road, deferring and submitting to the so-called “experts” in Washington and Columbus as they rob us of our freedoms and our paychecks.

In challenging times, we must stand tall and defend Geauga residents.

Carolyn spoke with supporters at her 42nd birthday party.

I appreciate all who came out to support our campaign — especially those who took yard signs home to show support in their neighborhoods.

Word of mouth is the most powerful form of advertising, and one of the easiest ways to spread the word about our campaign is with a yard sign.

CLICK HERE to secure a yard sign for your lawn, and I will make sure one is personally delivered to your home.

Yard signs are in and available for your home or business!

The March 19th Republican Primary Election is only 40 days away — and I appreciate all your support as we begin the sprint to the finish.

Let’s win.

For Liberty!
Carolyn Brakey
Republican for Geauga County Commissioner

P.S. Thank you to all who came out to show their support this past Sunday at my 42nd birthday fundraiser.

Many took home yard signs to show their support in their own neighborhoods — and you can have one too!

CLICK HERE to request a yard sign for your Geauga County home or business — or send me a personal email.

Thank you for all your support!