Newsletter #18:
"Decisive Victory"

DATE: March 26, 2024

Friend --

Now that I’ve had a moment to catch my breath, I want to say, “Thank you!”

We achieved a significant victory last week — for the freedoms and paychecks of all Geauga residents — and I am honored to earn the Republican nomination for the upcoming general election this November.

Thank you to everyone who chipped in time and treasure to help share our message with voters.

And, of course, thank you to the 7,684 Geauga Republican primary voters who cast their ballots for my candidacy last Tuesday — putting us across the finish line with a decisive 14% victory.

Can you chip in $25 to keep our momentum building into the general election?

Here is a recent write-up about our victory in the Geauga County Maple Leaf:

Brakey… defeated her opponent, former Commissioner Walter “Skip” Claypool, with 7,684 votes to his 5,893 — a 14% margin.

Reached via text Tuesday night, Brakey said she is honored to receive the support of Geauga Republicans and will carry the party’s message into the general election.

“When I announced I was running for commissioner, I promised to work with everyone inside and outside the Republican Party who wants to move Geauga forward in a more virtuous direction,” Brakey said.

“That promise still stands and extends to my opponent’s supporters just as much as my own.”

A business attorney, Brakey owns and operates several businesses in the county related to energy and currently serves as president of the Geauga County Board of Health.

Full story at the Geauga Maple Leaf

The day after the election, I received a congratulatory text message from my former opponent. I was sure to thank him in kind.

While we had disagreements on the campaign trail, there is agreement on a shared concern: holding the Northeast Ohio Areawide Coordinating Agency (NOACA) accountable with respect to the needs and values of Geauga County.

Cuyahoga County and Washington, D.C. have used NOACA to ransom our access to infrastructure funds in order to force extremist agendas onto Geauga County.

For example, NOACA’s Climate Action Plan is out of touch with Geauga County and its values. It has no business being implemented within our community.

To combat these outside agendas, we need a strong presence and persistent advocacy from Geauga leaders at NOACA. If elected, I promise to increase the engagement of the Commissioners’ Office within NOACA and meaningfully change the trajectory of the organization as it relates to Geauga County.

As the Republican nominee for Geauga County Commissioner, I will serve as a relentless advocate for your freedoms and your paychecks against special interests — at NOACA and beyond.

This November, I have a Democrat opponent who would not only fail to stand up to these big spending and woke special interests — he would actively cheer them on.

A proud advocate for lockdowns, mask mandates, and vaccine coercion — ignoring the wishes of free people and parents making decisions for their children — my Democrat opponent would invite tyranny into our backyard.

To keep Geauga free, I invite all Republicans to unite behind this campaign. I need the unified support of the Republicans of Geauga County who share our values of freedom and constitutionally-limited government.

Going into the general election, can you chip in $25 to keep our momentum building toward a final victory?

Thank you for all your support.

We still have a long run ahead until the November finish line, but we have already come far. Forward to victory!

For Liberty!
Carolyn Brakey
Republican Nominee for Geauga County Commissioner

P.S. With a decisive 14% victory last week, I am honored to receive the Republican nomination for Geauga County Commissioner from GOP primary voters.

As we look ahead to the general election, I will continue speaking to voters about our campaign to protect paychecks, defend freedoms, and defeat dysfunction. My Democrat opponent, meanwhile, has a proud history of supporting lockdowns, mask mandates, and vaccine coercion.

To keep our momentum building, will you chip in $25 to help our campaign keep Geauga free this November?

Thank you to all who have donated time and treasure — and to all who voted in the GOP Primary election — for their support. We will keep moving forward to victory.