Newsletter #12:
"Flying Like Hotcakes"

DATE: February 15, 2024

Friend --

Our yard signs are selling flying like hotcakes — and appearing on the lawns of Geauga homes and businesses everywhere.

Have you requested your free yard sign yet?

And if you’d like to see literal flying hotcakes, be sure to check out this short video of my husband, who was 3-for-3 on pancake catching (and eating), at the Geauga County Farm Bureau pancake breakfast last Saturday.

A flying hotcake summersaults over the head of Geauga County Farm Bureau President, Kevin Holy, as Matt Brakey readies his plated catch.

Placing a yard sign on your property is one simple and effective way you can support our campaign.

Word of mouth is always the most powerful form of advertising — and when people see that their neighbors care enough to display their support with a yard sign on their own lawn, it has a meaningful impact for our campaign.

CLICK HERE to make this meaningful impact by request a free yard sign for your home or business.

Like the Patterson family, be sure to request a free yard sign for yourself at

Another way people are showing their support is with letters to the editor in our local newspapers.

While many have been published (and I am grateful to each and every person who has voiced their support in this way), I want to highlight a recent letter from Mike Derifield of Parkman Township.

Thank you to Mike for this thoughtful letter.

Whether the job is (1) protecting clean drinking water, (2) keeping property taxes low, or (3) defending parental rights and our school children from mask mandates, I am always ready to roll up my sleeves and get to work.

After seeing his thoughtful letter in the Maple Leaf, I was fortunate enough to run into Mike recently and thank him personally at the Geauga County Ducks Unlimited - Ohio Gun Bash.

While neither of us won a gun, Mike has been all smiles ever since Parkman Township residents got clean drinking water again.

At the Geauga County Ducks Unlimited - Ohio Gun Bash, Carolyn bumped into Mike Derifield. Mike recently wrote a letter of support in the Geauga Maple Leaf, praising Carolyn’s decisive work to ensure clean drinking water in Parkman Township.

Thank you to everyone — including you, << Test First Name >> — for all the different ways people are supporting our campaign.

Whether you (1) place a yard sign at your home or business, (2) send a letter into the local paper, or (3) make a donation to support all our campaign efforts, your active support for our campaign to “Protect Paychecks, Defend Freedoms, and Defeat Dysfunction” is greatly appreciated.

Early voting begins in just 6 days!

On February 21, you and all the voters of Geauga can request an absentee ballot or vote in person at the Geauga County Board of Elections.

Let’s win.

For Liberty!
Carolyn Brakey
Republican for Geauga County Commissioner

P.S. Our yard signs are flying like hotcakes — and you too can request a free yard sign for your Geauga County home or business.

Thank you for all your support!