Newsletter #13:
"Mud Season"

DATE: March 1, 2024

Friend --

It must be mud season (because my opponent is flinging a lot of it).

But while he attacks with misleading claims, half-truths, and even outright lies, I am focusing on the issues that matter:

During the recent candidate forum, hosted by the Geauga League of Women Voters, these are the issues I focused on — and these are the issues I will fight for as your County Commissioner.

If you haven’t received one yet (or you lost yours in the recent heavy winds), be sure to request a free yard sign for your home or business.

Carolyn speaks about freedoms and paychecks at the Geauga League of Women Voters candidate forum.

Rather than discussing important issues, my opponent wants to distract with insinuations about how I voted in an election almost two decades ago, when I was a student in my 20s.

(Ironically, both he and his wife were registered Democrats well into their 40s – not becoming Republicans until ages I haven’t even reached yet.)

As I routinely and openly discuss with voters, before the COVID panic, I was an apolitical mom. I was focused on my family, not on politics — until politics came after our families.

When elected officials and unelected bureaucrats sought to strip parents of their decision-making power with mask mandates on school children, I learned that moms and dads must step into the political fray or risk finding their children sacrificed on the political altar.

That is why I sought and secured appointment to serve on the Board of Health, led the charge to overturn school mask mandates, and created a policy change that rippled across Ohio.

And when faced with cost overruns that would have resulted in property tax hikes on the people of Geauga, we found a solution that saved taxpayers over half a million dollars without any cuts to local services, presence, or decision-making.

Meanwhile, my opponent told me that we should have raised taxes on the people of Geauga in order to avoid any cuts to government bureaucracy.

I believe we are taxed enough already, but my opponent does not think so. That’s the choice before us in this election:

With your support, we can win on March 19. I am ready to take the fight for our freedoms and paychecks to the Board of Commissioners.

Have you received your free yard sign yet to show your support at your home or business?

Snag yourself a free yard sign at

As each week passes, more Geauga residents are declaring their support for our campaign with letters in the local newspapers.

I am extremely grateful to each person voicing their support.

Frankly, there have been too many to share every single one, but I wanted to highlight a recent letter from Ken Radtke, an elected Chester Township Trustee who has extensive experience working closely with both me and my opponent:

Thank you Ken — and to everyone supporting our campaign.

Early voting is well underway, so make sure you have a plan to make your voice counted.

You — and all the voters of Geauga — can request an absentee ballot or vote in person at the Geauga County Board of Elections.

Otherwise, Election Day is March 19.

For Liberty!
Carolyn Brakey
Republican for Geauga County Commissioner

P.S. It must be mud season because my opponent is throwing as much as he can, but this election is too important to get distracted.

In this campaign, I am focused on the issues that matter: protecting paychecks, defending freedom, and defeating dysfunction.

To show your support for our campaign, be sure to request a yard sign for your home or business.