Newsletter #5: "Less Taxes, More Turkey"

DATE: November 21, 2023

Friend --

Ready to turn the tables on rising property taxes this Thanksgiving?

As our extended family travels from different corners of the country to join us in Geauga at our Thanksgiving table, the Brakeys are getting ready for the big day.

Carolyn, with her daughter, clutches a 25-pound turkey from Harvest Bell Farm in Newbury, OH.

As we prepare to share God’s bounty, I am reminded of the importance of defending our community from the impending Geauga Tax Hike.

This Thanksgiving, Geauga residents should be enjoying time with family and focused on passing the gravy boat — not worrying about whether they can continue to afford their homes.

But property tax hikes are scheduled to hit Geauga homeowners next year and many of our neighbors (especially seniors on fixed incomes) have been rightfully concerned.

Across Geauga County, families recently received the startling news in their mailboxes from the County Auditor’s Office. Notices of property revaluations (with increases exceeding 40% for some families) would result in a big tax hike for property owners absent action by our elected officials.

But thankfully, we are fighting back and making a difference.

As a candidate for Geauga County Commissioner, I launched a petition telling our elected officials to “Stop the Geauga Tax Hike by reducing levied tax rates to offset the state-ordered revaluation.

It’s pretty simple actually.

With $9.6 million in higher taxes scheduled to flow into county and local government, elected officials can choose to either (1) spend that money to grow government, or (2) identify levies to suspend so taxpayers keep their hard-earned money and can afford to stay in their homes.

I believe that taxpayers should keep the money they earn.

Thankfully over 1,400 people have already signed our petition to “Stop the Geauga Tax Hike!”

Have you added your name yet?

Inflation is bad enough, and many of our neighbors cannot absorb a property tax spike without risk of losing their homes.

That’s why I am running for Geauga County Commissioner — to cut taxes, restore freedom, and end government dysfunction.

We simply cannot afford:

… the dysfunction that has plagued county government — as corruption charges, FBI raids, and senseless infighting have brought important business to a halt;

… the loss of freedom that the COVID regime imposed on our families — as school children were forcibly masked against the wishes of their parents;

… and the rising property taxes coming in 2024 — due to a state-ordered property revaluation causing a sharp increase in taxable property values across Geauga.

Even before next year’s election, I am already taking action to defend your freedoms and paychecks.

Serving on the Board of Health, I led the charge to end mask mandates on Geauga school children, creating a domino effect for freedom across Ohio as other counties followed our lead.

Carolyn delivers hundreds of petitions to “Stop the Geauga Tax Hike” to County Auditor, Chuck Walder — who has also signed the petition.

And now Geauga is leading Ohio once again. Our petition to “Stop the Geauga Tax Hike” is pushing our elected officials to protect local residents.

In direct response to the pressure from our petition and other community voices like the Budget Commission, 17 out of our county's 33 taxing entities are beginning to take action!

These entities are in various stages of returning to hardworking taxpayers what's rightfully theirs, and it's all because of the strength of our collective stand.

But there is still more work to be done — especially with our school districts. Let’s keep up the pressure to stop the tax hike.

After the Thanksgiving holiday, I will deliver the next round of petitions to our elected officials — so be sure to add your name and share with a friend.

Can we get to 1,500 signatures?

And if you are extra thankful for our efforts, you can help further by following our campaign Facebook page — and making a donation to help us pay for the costs of all these petitions, along with other campaign expenses.

From our family to yours, we wish you a Happy Thanksgiving!

Even as we take political action to defend our freedoms and paychecks, let’s do all we can to focus on what really matters this Thursday — not politics, but family.

I hope you have plenty of turkey on your table to share this year… and make sure the gravy boat makes its way around the table.

Happy Thanksgiving!
Carolyn Brakey
Republican for Geauga County Commissioner

P.S. As our family prepares for Thanksgiving, I can’t help but think about all of our neighbors worried about rising property taxes.

When together with family, Geaugans should be focused on passing the gravy boat, not worried about losing their homes! Thankfully, we are making a difference by making our voice heard to our elected officials.

If you’d like to help defend Geauga paychecks, then please sign and share our petition to “Stop the Geauga Tax Hike.

And if you are extra thankful for our efforts, you can help further by following our campaign Facebook page — and making a donation to help us pay for the costs of all these petitions, along with other campaign expenses.